Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Landor work: Australian Youth Orchestra animation from Landor Associates on Vimeo.


Australian Youth Orchestra

With exciting new artist collaborations, upcoming global tours, and the need for extra funding support, 2012 seemed the perfect time to refresh AYO’s look. The new identity had to represent the talents of Australia’s best young classical musicians, from emerging, gifted school-age students to youth on the verge of a professional career.
To reflect AYO’s positioning of raw talent to perfect harmony and inspired by the lines and spaces of a musical staff, we constructed an inner and outer configuration for each of the three letters in the identity. The inner letters are informal and quirky, representing raw talent; the outer letters are balanced and structured, representing perfect harmony.
The refreshed identity is flexible and dynamic, expressing AYO’s diverse and vibrant approach to music. It appears in two versions—static and animated, where the letters move to the orchestra’s performance of Shostakovich. Best of all, the new identity has excited the organization and Australia’s young musicians: Applications for all courses in 2012 have increased 17 percent from 2011.



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